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Empathize with new perspectives

Working closely with others and learning from them is at the heart of our approach to innovation. In concrete terms, we need to understand the different perspectives of our key actors in order to identify potential for resolving the causes and negative effects of the problem.

In order to find out about these perspectives, we have to leave our office and seek out the people who are most impacted by the challenge or who are responsible for it.

In dialog with our key actors, we can get valuable answers that allow us to see beyond what we know and what is obvious. Based on an empathic approach, we can test our assumptions and expand our knowledge. This is essential in order to develop a better understanding of the causes of the problem before going on to identify a potential solution.

A successful discovery process is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. These can help us understand and shape human interaction more effectively.

Phase objective and stages

We will now be leaving our own environment and immersing ourselves in the world of our key actors. Based on conversations and on-site observations, we will come across perspectives that are not visible from our desk. The team will evaluate these different perspectives so as to identify the needs and barriers they contain. This offers potential for our key actors - potential that we will seek to identify and evaluate in terms of opportunities and risks.


Stage 1

Establish a basis for dialog

Ensure interviews are thoroughly prepared and tested.

Stage 2

Go out and meet people

Recruit interviewees and conduct and document interviews.

Stage 3

Formulate insights

Evaluate each interview and deduce the relevant needs and barriers from these evaluations.

Stage 4

Narrow down potential

Discover the potential behind the needs and obstacles so as to set the framework for the solution.

Stage 5

Identify areas of potential

Identify opportunities and risks, make recommendations, and discuss measures.